opinion: Charley Varrick, The Last of the Independents! After some Film-Noir from the 40:s I enjoyed a Don Siegel cop movie on this Sunday evening. I like cop movies and I like Don Siegel. Walter Matthau (not Clint this time) and Lalo Schifrin are the other two legs of the movie. Matthau/Charley is our anti-hero, small towns bank robber making enough money to survive and pay his bills, is present in almost every take. Lalo with his perfect score keeps the tempo and the magic in the movie.

Charley is a clever and cold small time crook. He needs to stay a step ahead of the hit man Baker/Molly and the cops. As he says, “… the cops will forget us, but not the mob…”, when he found out that the bank release note mentioned a robbery of USD$1.500 and they got USD$750.000 of laundry money inside their bags 😦  Siegel will keep you in the shadow until last take of the movie… at the end, some will have lucky. Others not.

Guess who will be the lucky one, despite all odds against?;

rating: 3,5 of 5;
when latest: September 4th 2016;
where: S. Paulo, Brazil;

quotes: “… You know what dirty money is? That’s the kind of money you can’t declare on your income tax. Well, when certain people get that kind of money, what they do is send it out of the country to invest, and when it comes back, it’s clean. …”;

director:  Don Siegel;
starring:  Walter Matthau, Joe Don Baker, Felicia Farr;
country:  USA;
release date: October 19th 1973;
run time: 119 min;
genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Neo-Noir;

storyline: Charley Varrick and his friends rob a small town bank. Expecting a small sum to divide amongst themselves, they are surprised to discover a very LARGE amount of money. Quickly figuring out that the money belongs to the MOB, they must now come up with a plan to throw the MOB off their trail.;

imdb link

TCM link

1973 - Charley Varrick
1973 – Charley Varrick
Library on Don Siegel Movies
Library on Don Siegel Movies
Library on Don Siegel Movies 2
Library on Don Siegel Movies 2
Library on Walter Matthau Movies
Library on Walter Matthau Movies

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