The Laughing Policeman (1973)

opinion: I have watched and follow Martin Beck cases through 41 Swedish movies during the years: 34 TV Movies-Peter Haber, 6 Gösta Ekman movies and 1 independent movie. They all have in common the original way Martin Beck interacts with his team, solving his cases with few words and a lot of detailed investigation and mental work. Even the lack … Continue reading The Laughing Policeman (1973)

Farewell, My Lovely (1975)

opinion: "... I need a vacation! I'm tired! Everything I touch turns to shit! I've got a hat, a coat and a gun, that's it ...". Marlowe is getting old and complains about his life in the LA of the 40s. At the age of 57 Mitchum, according my humble opinion, does one of the best Philip … Continue reading Farewell, My Lovely (1975)

Charley Varrick (1973)

opinion: Charley Varrick, The Last of the Independents! After some Film-Noir from the 40:s I enjoyed a Don Siegel cop movie on this Sunday evening. I like cop movies and I like Don Siegel. Walter Matthau (not Clint this time) and Lalo Schifrin are the other two legs of the movie. Matthau/Charley is our anti-hero, small towns … Continue reading Charley Varrick (1973)

Get Carter (1971)

opinion: It´s raining, it´s wet and it´s grey in Newcastle, the coal mining city! In the local narrow pubs, working class people mixes with ruthless crooks in a ambient full of smoking, lies, double-crossing and drinking...  After watching "Get Carter" it´s difficult to imagine any other movie star then Michael Caine for the role. He is Carter himself, … Continue reading Get Carter (1971)

The Enforcer (1976)

Picking up three years after the events in Magnum Force, a threatening terrorist group called, The People's Revolutionary Strike Force declare war to the city of San Francisco and demand a ransom to be paid, otherwise they plan to blow the city apart. While Inspector 'Dirty' Harry Callahan is at a limbo following his unorthodox method during a robbery, he's at it to dispatch the terrorist group, by playing their game by being more dirty than ever. But this time, he's got a new partner, which might prove the task to be somewhat more difficult than ever, unless the two can work together.

Chinatown (1974)

JJ 'Jake' Gittes is a private detective who seems to specialize in matrimonial cases. He is hired by Evelyn Mulwray when she suspects her husband Hollis, builder of the city's water supply system, of having an affair. Gittes does what he does best and photographs him with a young girl but in the ensuing scandal, it seems he was hired by an impersonator and not the real Mrs. Mulwray. When Mr. Mulwray is found dead, Jake is plunged into a complex web of deceit involving murder, incest and municipal corruption all related to the city's water supply.