Double Indemnity (1944)

opinion:  According some crime expertises there are two types of violent homicide: -Expressive violence (unplanned): acts that vent rage, anger, or frustration; And -Instrumental violence (planned): acts designed to improve the financial or social position of the criminal or to achieve a goal or a girl... Normally greed, money, stupidity and love triangles are involved … Continue reading Double Indemnity (1944)

Ace in the Hole (1951)

opinion: Also known as the "Big Carnival" (more likely the Big Circus)... why to simplify when you can complicate? You don´t need a city to have a film-noir and anything that can go wrong will go terrible wrong, independent of the venue. Douglas does an excellent acting as the greedy reporter that produced the news when there … Continue reading Ace in the Hole (1951)