Double Indemnity (1944)

opinion:  According some crime expertises there are two types of violent homicide: -Expressive violence (unplanned): acts that vent rage, anger, or frustration; And -Instrumental violence (planned): acts designed to improve the financial or social position of the criminal or to achieve a goal or a girl... Normally greed, money, stupidity and love triangles are involved … Continue reading Double Indemnity (1944)

The Asphalt Jungle (1950)

opinion: When the intelligent criminal Erwin "Doc" Riedenschneider is released from prison, he seeks a fifty-thousand-dollar investment from the bookmaker Cobby to recruit a small gang of specialists for a million-dollar heist of jewels from a jewelry. Doc is introduced to the lawyer Alonzo D. Emmerich that offers to finance the whole operation and buy the … Continue reading The Asphalt Jungle (1950)

The Killers (1946)

opinion: What Mark Hellinger, a Hollywood producer, expected from a movie, top billing one unknown but good looking Circus acrobat, an obscure but beautiful secondary n0-dramatic actress and directed by a German expat expressionist? On top of that the lead actor should be killed five minutes after the start, revealing the killers and the whole story should be presented backward on … Continue reading The Killers (1946)

The Magnificent Seven (1960)

opinion:  It could be redeemed and not just another job the real reason why these seven gun-for-hire men decided to defend the poor and terrorised Mexican village. Each one of them seems to have a different reason for accepting the assignment, even if the odds were not so good: seven good-looking Americans against more than thirty nasty dirty Mexicans... It´s a … Continue reading The Magnificent Seven (1960)

Unforgiven (1992)

opinion: The year is 1881 and it tells the narrative of William Munny (Eastwood), the retired inhuman killer that sees an opportunity to share $1.000,00 (around $25.000,00 today) to hunt and kill 2 cowboys that when drunk "cut up the face, the eyes out, the ears off, hell, they even cut the teats" of an young prostitute. The four distinguished figures and former gun-crazy … Continue reading Unforgiven (1992)

Johnny Guitar (1954)

opinion: The music played by Johnny Guitar (Hayden) it´s not what you expected to be, but never the less he played only one guitar song for Dancin´ Kid (Brady) to dance! Is this an anti mccarthyism movie, a pro women liberation movie or both? Who cares! This is unique and exclusive western movie... including the final duel between … Continue reading Johnny Guitar (1954)

Stagecoach (1939)

opinion: I can't remember when I watched "Stagecoach" for the first time, but it was around mid 60:s. Westerns were more simple to understand by that time... Open wide landscapes. Heroes were heroes. Villains were villains. Indians were indians. Cavalry always arrived 10 minutes before the end. Heroes were good guys. Villains and indians were bad guys. Heroes always won the fight, before going way … Continue reading Stagecoach (1939)

Pickup on South Street (1953)

opinion: 1953.McCarthyism was in the middle of period known as the "Second Red Scare", lasting roughly from 1950 to 1956 and characterised by heightened political repression against supposed communists as well as a campaign spreading fear of their influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents. Hollywood was a boiling place! Everyone pointing fingers in every direction … Continue reading Pickup on South Street (1953)

Mildred Pierce (1945)

opinion: It starts in a rainy Californian night with the sound of 6 gun shots, emptying the barrel. A man drops dead on the floor. Mildred... was the last words he said. It's also the first line in the movie, before camera shows a car starting and driving away from the crime site. After a few minutes into the movie you … Continue reading Mildred Pierce (1945)

Out of the Past (1947)

opinion: Your past will always catch your present. Jeff (Mitchum) our hero is a PI with a dark past trying to escape his fate, starting a new life in a small village (in vain)! His terrible mistake is to fall in love with Kathie (Greer) the girlfriend of his former associate With (Douglas) that happens to be a mobster … Continue reading Out of the Past (1947)