Pickup on South Street (1953)

opinion: 1953.McCarthyism was in the middle of period known as the "Second Red Scare", lasting roughly from 1950 to 1956 and characterised by heightened political repression against supposed communists as well as a campaign spreading fear of their influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents. Hollywood was a boiling place! Everyone pointing fingers in every direction … Continue reading Pickup on South Street (1953)

American Cinema, Film-Noir (1995)

opinion: Some interviews are the same in the BBC documentary about Film-noir. A must see for the movie fans. It´s a documentary serie of 10 movies about the American Cinema history; rating: 3,0 of 5; when latest: August 6th 2016; where: S. Paulo, Brazil; quotes: “… That's life. Whichever way you turn, Fate sticks out a foot to … Continue reading American Cinema, Film-Noir (1995)